Bodyguard of Deception – SP Review 4-Stars – Bestselling Author Samuel Marquis


Yikes, the Germans have crossed the Atlantic, escaped from Camp Pershing POW Camp, and taken over the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs and the Cheyenne Mountain radio tower! I think I’m going to have to call J. Edgar Hoover and his dapperly-dressed G-Men and put a stop to these Nazi terror tactics! But what’s going to happen? Who is going to save the day? Read Bodyguard of Deception from Bestselling, Award-Winning Author Samuel Marquis and find out!

“The world hangs in a delicate balance in the heart-pounding World War Two Trilogy opener, Bodyguard of Deception by Samuel Marquis. Put together with an intricate plot to follow and a commitment to realistic detail, there’s a lot going for the read…a wonderfully nail-biting experience with good characters and solid intrigue.”— SP Review – Four-Star Review

Check out full review at Bodyguard of Deception SP Review – 4-Stars

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