Samuel Marquis – Bestselling Author – Blind Thrust Book Trailer

Blind Thrust Book Trailer by Samuel Marquis

Click Here for Link: Samuel Marquis – Blind Thrust Earthquake Thriller Book Trailer

#1 Denver Post Bestseller and Award-Winning Finalist USA Best Book Awards

Book 1 of the Joe Higheagle Environmental Sleuth Series

If you need a little jolt in your life and want to feel what it’s like to experience an earthquake, check out the book trailer for my Colorado earthquake thriller Blind Thrust. I’ve been rocked by numerous earthquakes in my life, ranging from mild 3.0 temblors and aftershocks to the 5.0-5.3 Rocky Mountain Arsenal deep-well-injection-related earthquakes when I was a little kid to the 6.7 Northridge EQ in 1994 that threw my front door in So Cal out of plumb and made me and my wife run to grab our infant son from his crib. And I have to say that the Blind Thrust book trailer captures the terror of what it’s like to feel Mother Nature’s wrath quite accurately. Okay, okay, it’s the shadowy bad guys, shattering glass, and scary music too. In any case, I hope you enjoy!


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